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Assessing the Quality of Virtual Offerings with PIRL

Date: Thursday, September 3, 2020

Time: 12-2pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: John Lewis, Network Lead, Denver Afterschool Alliance

Description: The landscape for afterschool programming has shifted towards delivering programs virtually, and the importance of high-quality practices has never been more important. To help organizations make this shift, the Denver Afterschool Alliance (DAA) developed a tool called PIRL (Preparation, Interaction, Reflection, and Logistics) that is designed to provide your organization with data to improve your virtual offerings. In this session, we will explore how this tool can be used to enhance your virtual/remote learning afterschool and summer offerings. By the end of the session each organization will leave with a plan for using PIRL.

Intended Audience: Any/all in youth development

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