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SEL Methods: Foundations and Self-Awareness of Emotional Development

Explore your personal emotional development, knowledge and skills as part of the DAA SEAL framework.

Participants will be able to:

• understand the framework for SEL generally, and the emotional domain specifically

• list common emotions and how they are frequently experienced in the body

• practice skills for identifying hot buttons and self-regulation when experiencing emotional activation

• understand the role past experiences and social identities play in how people experience and interpret the emotions of others

• identify techniques for modeling empathy and emotion management in their organizations

• plan next steps for incorporating concepts learned about emotional self-awareness into their work with youth and in their programs

• assess readiness to implement empathy and emotion management skills with young people  

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April 14

IMPACTFUL COMMUNICATION: Listening and questions skill building

April 19

Seal Bite-Size: Youth as Leaders