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Trauma and Trauma-Informed Practices: Considerations for Current Learning Environments

Date: Friday, October 23, 2020

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Leah Parker and Monica Padilla, Trauma-Informed Practices Specialists, Denver Public Schools

Description: Foundational information about trauma including what constitutes trauma and what students are experiencing today; what are trauma-informed approaches and how do they benefit school environments; how trauma shows up in/after school. Key strategies after-school educators can use to plan, communicate, and connect in trauma-sensitive ways that can support students (and themselves) in remote and in-person learning environments.


  • A tool for use in examining mindsets and actions and whether they are trauma-informed or not--TIC Arrow PDF

  • Practical strategies for planning, communicating and connecting with students in trauma-sensitive ways


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