Pro-Active Self-Care

Many of us have experienced it or at least heard part of the standard pre-flight announcements, the flight attendant instructs that, "if there should be a change in cabin pressure...put your oxygen mask on first before helping others." While this is often used as a metaphor for self-care, it also implies there is an extreme emergency. Many of us WAIT until our lives reach that point before we take action. We want you to practice self-care EVERYDAY. Practicing small moments of self-care daily will fill your tank; protecting you from things like burnout and create the conditions for you to show up as your best, authentic self personally and professionally.
Below is a list of small actions (we will add to the list each newsletter) you can take to build your self-care practice muscles. Start with one and go from there. You deserve it.

  • Take a brief walk

  • Schedule time to do nothing

  • Read or listen to a book for fun

  • Listen to music that makes you happy

  • Notice something in nature that brings you joy

  • Spend time with a pet

  • Color a picture

  • Set a timer throughout the day to pause and breathe (4 counts in, hold for 4, exhale for 8)

  • Share a meal with a loved one

  • Light your favorite candle

  • Smile and laugh

  • Take a short nap

  • Get up and stretch regularly throughout the day

  • Start an affirmation jar for yourself and add to each day at the same time

  • Keep a gratitude journal

  • Call (not text!) a friend or family member

What will you practice today?


Self-Care Resources


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