Self-Care During the Holidays

While winter break can be a joyful and rejuvenating time for many, it can also bring stress, anxiety and a host of other emotions. This is true for adults and the youth and families we serve. We’ve focused this fall on taking care of yourself and supporting those around you to follow suit. Below are some ideas for reflection as you take care of yourself and support the youth and staff you work with to do the same.
8 Ways to Practice Self-Care During the Holidays

  • Stick to a routine. ...

  • Give yourself space to acknowledge your feelings. ...

  • Start a new holiday tradition. ...

  • Do a Vibe Check. ...

  • Rethink gift giving. ...

  • Volunteer with your loved ones. ...

  • Stop comparison in its tracks. ...

  • Set boundaries.

This article from goes into detail on each of these practices and includes a downloadable “vibe check”. While it may be geared toward teens…we can all use a vibe check this holiday season!

Many of us are heading into a much anticipated and needed break. We (mostly) love our jobs and the young people and teams we work with…AND…we need time to recharge and reset! We recognize everyone’s situation is unique and each individuals needs vary widely. We invite you to reflect on what YOU need to take care of yourself this holiday season. What does “self-care” look like for YOU? Think about the micro moments you have and how you can show up for yourself. Here are a few tips/ideas to get you thinking. You create what works for YOU.

  • Set holiday boundaries

  • Practice gratitude

  • Keep a journal of your daily intentions and one thing you plan to do for YOURSELF each day

  • Practice self-empathy…what does this mean?

    • Tune into your feelings and experiences and name them

    • Foster a compassionate and non-judgment attitude toward yourself

    • We learn to regulate our own emotions which allows us to remain regulated and calm when dealing with others’ emotions

  • Acknowledge and validate the feelings and experiences of YOURSELF and others 

We invite you to make a realistic daily plan that best supports your well-being…in just the way YOU need.
Cheers to the end of 2023!


Emotional Intelligence and Leadership


What Will You Ripple Out Into the World Today?