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ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and How They Affect Your View of Life

Date: Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Time: 1oam-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Liz Clark, MA, LPC, Trauma Therapist, Alvarado Group

Description: ACES (Adverse Childhood Experiences) are traumatic events that occur before the age of 18 in a child's family. Understanding that this trauma results in toxic stress to the brain, putting a child in fight, flight or freeze behaviors can give us a broader perspective on their behavior. It is clear when you understand the lens of trauma and that disruptive behavior is often a coping mechanism that does not need to be disciplined but instead understood and soothed. The negative behavior will still be addressed but it is not the first thing that needs addressing. Relationship and regulation come first.  


  • Describe the physical and mental health consequences of ACES.  

  • Discuss how ACES will impact someone's lens through which they experience life. 

  • Discuss how you can help a student with high ACES.


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Working with Boys of Color (Part II)

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SEAL Bite-Size: Exploring Youth Voice