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Trauma Informed Communication

Date: Wednesday April 28, 2021

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Monica Padilla, Trauma Informed Practices Specialist


In this session, participants will: Review basic tenets of trauma and trauma-informed practices;

Acknowledge present-day stress facing students, families and school community and potential to see increased trauma responses in self and others;

Reveal the links between trauma response and communication practices including how to map people to safety in your communication styles;

Consider the effect of communication and messaging has it relates to work culture and leader/ individual practices, power differentials. Attendees will be invited to engage in self-reflective and interactive activities during this training through various means to include a mix of breakouts, the use of the chat box, unmuting and self-reflection.


Attendees will be able to: articulate the way trauma, stress and communication are linked; reflect on their own styles of communication; reflect on harmful workplace culture and discuss experiences; navigate to multiple resources/frameworks to deepen their learning


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