2/2/23 Newsletter


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The DAA Collective newsletter keeps Denver's afterschool community connected to resources, 
professional learning and networking opportunities. Learn more about us.
As the snow continues to fall (and hang around on the streets!) in Denver, the DAA is looking ahead to summer! We know programs and organizations are looking for new, creative, and fun activities, opportunities and field trips for their youth to experience, and those offering them want to get the word out ! This event is designed to help you coast through the process by providing space for networking, idea sharing and connection. Come "Sled Into Summer" with us!

Join us at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Tuesday, February 21st from 10am - 12pm. Content-specific organizations will be tabling to share their summer offerings and opportunities (i.e., sports, music, dance, etc.). Learn more about exciting, unique program and field trip opportunities that will help inform your plans for summer. Participate in activities that will connect you with fellow OST professionals and explore the museum for FREE!

RSVP to attend by clicking the button below!
*RSVP ends on Friday, February 10th at 5pm.
Register HERE
Youth Voice Needed!

Do you work with middle and/or high school youth? Their voice is CRITICAL and we need to hear from them! Vaping use has skyrocketed and the opioid epidemic is a national crisis rapidly impacting our youth. The Denver Afterschool Alliance, housed within the Office of Children’s Affairs, is working with the YESS Institute to expand the Healthy Lifestyles Marijuana education and awareness curricula to include a section on Vaping for middle school youth and a section on Opioids for high-schoolers. The curriculum is designed to provide young people with accurate information and create an open and interactive space where youth can learn, ask questions and make informed, healthy decisions. Afterschool and summer programs are the ideal space for young people to test the new curriculum and provide input and feedback to ensure it is engaging, inclusive and accessible for all.  
For more information, check out the flyer HERE.

Perks include, but are not limited to:

  • Opportunity for youth to help shape the content and delivery of the curriculum
  • Financial incentives for programs and youth
  • Free lifetime access to the curriculum, including updates
  • Elevating the importance of OST programs in addressing critical issues facing young people and families

Pilot groups for each curriculum are between 8-10 hours facilitated by a YESS Institute instructor. Implementation is flexible based on your program structure and availability! Pilot groups are being scheduled after spring break through the summer- schedule yours today! 

Contact Miranda Cook TODAY to participate:
miranda.cook@denvergov.org or 720-607-4807.

DAAconnect Updates
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to be seen by thousands of Denver families! Last month, our Youth Program Locator had more than 2,600 visits from Denver families searching for quality programs and services!  Make sure your listing is updated, so that families can find you! If you are not on the Locator or need to update your information, please login to DAAconnect today and update your profile and program schedule.
Attention DAAconnect users! Your feedback about your experience with DAAconnect can help us identify needs and plan for future system upgrades. Please take a moment to share your feedback with us! 
Click here to take our survey:
Funding Opportunities
Tony Grampas Youth Services (TGYS) is excited to announce a new funding opportunity, the Youth and Community Partnership (YCP) Grant. The YCP grant is a one-year funding opportunity to support youth and community-led initiatives within communities. A youth and community led initiative is one that involves the youth and community voice at each of the following stages: planning; implementation; budget; and evaluation. 

Please see the
grant flyer for more information and the full grant information page on the TGYS website
The Denver Division of Disability Rights is seeking funding proposals from Denver disability-oriented nonprofit organizations which have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The goal of this funding is to assist nonprofits that serve the disability community in closing service gaps and to re-establish service levels to and beyond pre-pandemic levels through advocacy, direct services and supports, and assistive technology and training.

For more information about this opportunity, view the RFP
Healthy Food for Denver's Kids is now accepting applications from nonprofit organizations, individual public schools (including the Denver Public Schools), and City and County of Denver departments and agencies that support Denver youth in the following program priority areas:
  • Nutritious Food Access & Security
  • Increasing Participation in Federal Nutrition Assistance programs
  • Food Education
Learn more about eligibility and the application process HERE
Job Opportunities
Denver Kids has a Full Time Educational SEL Counselor position available!
Check out the job posting 

To apply, send a cover letter expressing interest in Denver Kids and this role, as well as a resume showing experience relevant to the position to 
Community Opportunities

Ready, STEM, Go!:
Inspirations & Resources for Out-of-School Time
March 14 & 15, 2023

Ready, STEM, Go! is a two-day virtual conference, which will shine a spotlight on resources, strategies, and inspiration to boost OST STEM programming.

Registration is FREE and grants you access to the full two days of live conference sessions, the On-Demand Video Library, Exhibit Hall, and more.
The Denver Art Museum has a couple of exciting opportunities for kids and families coming up:

February 5, 2023 from 10am - 12pm
Create Playdate is an early-childhood program at the Denver Art Museum for families with children ages 3-5 (though siblings are always welcome too!). Create Playdate offers a range of experiences within the museum, including story time, artmaking, or even an in-gallery activity. 
Create Playdate is included with general admission. 

February 20, 2023 from 9:30am - 3pm
Day at the DAM is a program designed for kids ages 6–11 to spend a day at the museum making art and learning from local teaching artists. This year, camp sessions include storytelling, origami, 3-D artwork, and more! 
Tickets are required, but some scholarships are available.
The Clyfford Still Museum (CSM) has put out a call for young filmmakers!

The CSM and Denver Film seek short films by filmmakers ages 1 to 18. They are looking for films on the concept of BIGNESS to complement CSM’s upcoming exhibition 
Awful Bigness.

The deadline to submit is April 1, 2023
Check out the website for all the details
Upcoming Professional Learning Sessions
We are so excited to see all of you at the upcoming professional learning sessions this spring! 
Space may be limited to some of the sessions. If you are unable to attend after having signed up, please cancel your registration in Eventbrite or email
Erma Cerda so that we can open seats up to other interested parties!
Discover Quality 101
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Youth Work Methods: Reframing Conflict
Wednesday, March 1, 2023
9:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Tuesday, March 7, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Emotional Intelligence Corner:
Coping With the Effects of Racial Trauma
The Denver Afterschool Alliance wants to take a moment to echo the words sent to us by Mayor Hancock and acknowledge the impact that senseless and indefensible acts of violence have on each of us, and offer support in light of the video footage released Friday evening by the City of Memphis, TN of the actions that led to the death of Tyre Nichols. What occurred on the video was rightfully described by Memphis Police Chief Cerelyn Davis as “a failing of basic humanity.”
While it is important to stay informed, and engage with issues of police brutality and racial injustice, it is also crucial to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones from the emotional stress that can come from consuming too much news and social media. Dr. Kristee Haggins, the founder and executive director of Safe Black Space in Sacramento talked to
CBS News in Sacramento about taking care of yourself after the tragic death of Tyre Nichols. “Rest, nourishment, and hydration are key parts of this healing and processing, Haggins said, as bodies internalize stress, sadness, and anxiety. Ultimately, she said to be aware of how you feel."
CNN article lists the following resources if you need additional supports: Project LETS Resources on Race and Mental Health, the Center for Healing Racial Trauma and Mental Health America.
The DAA Collective:

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2/16/23 Newsletter


1/19/23 Newsletter