3/15/24 Newsletter


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The DAA Collective newsletter keeps Denver's afterschool community connected to resources, professional learning and networking opportunities. Learn more about us.
 Coffee and Conversation
Our March Coffee and Conversation: A YESS Institute Experience on March 12th was a super fun and informative change of pace! We welcomed Lex Rodriguez and Carlo Kriekels from the YESS Institute to discuss and sample the curriculums that they offer around substance misuse. Attendees had a chance to get up and participate in the interactive activities offered through the curriculums, as well as ask questions about how the Healthy Lifestyles courses would translate over to the Out-of-School time space. Thank you so much to Lex and Carlo for providing this awesome opportunity for learning and collaborating.
As always, a more in-depth summary of this event (including resources and links) will be available at daalearn.org next week!
Although there are still a few more days to go before spring officially arrives, OST Summer is right around the corner! What are your programs offering this summer? Join the DAA Collective at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science on Wednesday, April 10th for a Summertime at the Museum Experience! Attendees will participate in an interactive exploration of the field trip opportunities that are being offered over the summer at the museum, as well as programs that the museum can bring to YOU! We will also take some time to dialogue and exchange summer programming ideas, including favorite field trip locations, activities, and more!  After the event you will be able to explore the museum independently, for FREE!

Register to attend TODAY!

Future Fest 2024!
Future Fest is an inclusive, free, citywide event that is all about youth! At Future Fest, young people of all ages are invited to dive into fun activities with local professional sports teams, discover cool youth services, get inspired, learn about exciting dream jobs and more.

Come down to Civic Center Park in Downtown Denver on Saturday, April 13, 2024 from 10:00 am - 6:00 pm to join in the fun! Admission is FREE!

For more information check out this flyer or the Future Fest website.
Denver City Council Prioritizing Youth Voice
The Denver City Council is piloting a new opportunity to hear from young residents of Denver  during the General Public Comment session of City Council Meetings! A check box has been added to the General Public Comment sign up page to indicate the speaker is “18 or younger” in age. On the First Monday of each month, priority will be given to those 18 years old and under to speak first.
How do we sign up?
Link to the Sign Up Page
When do we sign up?
Sign up opens Friday at 11:00 a.m. and closes Monday at 3:00 p.m. before the Monday General Public Comment Session.

How do we join the meeting after we sign up?

  • You can attend in person in City Council Chambers, 1437 Bannock, 4th floor
  • You can join the meeting via Zoom – everyone who signs up will receive a zoom link

What else do I need to know?
Link to the General Public Comment Information Page

2024 Strengthening Colorado Families and Communities Conference 
The 2024 Strengthening Colorado Families and Communities Conference will be held September 4-6, 2024 in Keystone, Colorado, with the guiding theme of Connect. Empower. Thrive. This conference, which occurs every two years, is a collaborative effort which endeavors to support the strengthening of families across the family support continuum.
For more information, including how to sign up to attend, click HERE.

The 2024 Conference will include breakout sessions in the following topic areas: Family Support & Engagement, Elevating Lived Experience, Working Together to Maximize Resources, Getting to Equitable Practice, Innovation Space, Supporting Workforce Care, and Policy. If you are interested in presenting at the conference, please submit a session proposal that offers insight, tools, ideas, practical application, and enriching discussions to address the above mentioned breakout session areas HERE.
The deadline for submitting a session proposal is March 22, 2024!
Community Partnerships
Is your organization a Denver Public Schools Community Partner?
DPS Community Partners:
  • Have completed a current Community Partnership Agreement
  • Provide programs or services to DPS students, families, or staff
  • Organizations can be nonprofit, for-profit, government, or faith-based
  • Offers either:
    • Ongoing programming in multiple schools
    • Ongoing programming in a single school
    • One-time programming in multiple schools
There are currently up to 500 community partners who serve DPS students through programs during and outside of school! If you are interested in knowing more about DPS Community Partnerships, please reach out to DPS Community Partnership Specialist, Robin Kiggins.
Summer Employment Opportunities for Teens
Is your organization looking to hire teens for the summer? Does your organization serve teens that will be looking for summer employment/internship opportunities? Let's bridge the divide in our DAA Collective newsletter! If you would like to spread the word about employment opportunities to youth serving organizations in Denver, please send a flyer or posting to Erma Cerda. We will post it in the newsletter for programs to share with youth!
DPS Seeks Partner Orgs for Summer Internships

Denver Public Schools is looking for organizations in Metro Denver to host high school students this summer through the district's Launch Internship Program! The session runs June 10 - July 19, with students working 110 hours over the six weeks. DPS Launch interns can support your team with business operations, digital marketing, IT/Tech support and more. DPS staff will assist intern supervisors with program planning and intern selection, as well as continue to support the student/organization matches during the term. 

For more information, or to inquire into hosting a student intern, please contact careerandcollegesuccess@dpsk12.org
Hero Kids Sports is looking to hire positive, enthusiastic young people (ages 16+) with an interest in developing their leadership skills and helping kids build confidence through sport for their summer Coach In Training (CIT) positions. 
For more information, click HERE.
2024 Tasty Food Serving Schedule!
Out-of-School Time Community, please let youth in your programs know about the FREE after-school meal program!
The Office of Children’s Affairs warmly welcomes all youth aged 5 to 18 to receive a nutritious after-school supper and/or snack at various Tasty Food sites across the city. No ID or registration required – just come on over and enjoy!
To find a Tasty Food site near you, please visit HERE
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Comunidad de tiempo fuera de la escuela, ¡infórmeles a los jóvenes en sus programas sobre el programa de comidas GRATUITAS después de la escuela!
La Oficina de Asuntos Infantiles da la bienvenida a todos los jóvenes de 5 a 18 años para que reciban una cena y/o un refrigerio nutritivo después de la escuela en varios sitios de Tasty Food en toda la ciudad. No se requiere identificación ni registro, ¡solo ven y disfruta!
Para encontrar un sitio de Tasty Food cerca de usted, visite AQUÍ  
Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.

DAAconnect Updates
Looking to connect with approved DPS Community Partners? The Youth Program Locator can help!  Start your search on the Locator with a location, then check the ‘DPS Community Partner’ box. Happy connecting and exploring partnerships!
Summer is fast approaching and parents are searching NOW to find programs. Please make sure to update your Summer program schedules in DAAconnect so that parents can find your programs on the Youth Program Locator. Please contact our team if you need assistance with adding your summer programs: DAAconnect@denvergov.org.
Funding Opportunities

Colorado organizations serving newcomers from the Southern U.S. border are encouraged to apply for the Rose Community Foundation's Newcomers Fund. At this time, the Newcomers Fund steering committee is prioritizing grants to organizations that are helping migrants find temporary shelter and permanent housing or addressing other basic needs like food and health/mental health care, as well as those assisting with applications for temporary protected status and work permits. They are interested in supporting nonprofits working at a larger scale – those serving 20 or more people.

Interested nonprofits, please login or create an account to access the brief eligibility quiz.

For all open funding opportunities with Rose Community Foundation, click HERE.

Job Opportunities

Craftsman & Apprentice is hiring camp instructors for the summer! If you love kids & crafts, this is the job for you!

More Info: https://craftsmanandapprentice.com/pages/employment

Community Opportunities

“Black Girl Magic" is more than a buzz-word or trend. It's the essence of Black women. The Museum For Black Girls is an immersive pop-up sensory museum featuring over 15+ art installations where guests not only see the art but feel and interact with it. Being a black girl is an experience!

Pop Culture Classroom's Educators’ Day is a free full-day experience at FAN EXPO Denver 2024 that provides teachers, librarians, administrators, and other educators the chance to:

  • PARTICIPATE in educational sessions and activities that highlight the benefits and practical applications of pop culture in the classroom.
  • LEARN how they can improve their craft using pop culture media and other tools
  • CONNECT with other educators from across Colorado.
New this year, you can choose from multiple specialized Educators’ Days and receive professional development geared specifically for your role in elementary education, secondary education, or libraries across three days (July 5 - July 7). And as always, your ticket into FAN EXPO Denver is complimentary!  
Educators’ Days applications close April 30, 2024.
  Apply HERE Today!
The Department of Psychiatry at Colorado University (CU), Anschutz Medical Campus, is offering a website dedicated to helping Colorado’s educational workforce! 
The website provides free mental health resources to help the workforce make it through the school year.
New learning modules include:
  • Secondary Trauma Module: Learn how to nurture your emotional health as you try to support others. This module will help you recognize and manage the emotions that come with your role, ensuring you can continue to make a positive impact.
  • Work/Life Balance Module: Discover ways to find harmony between your professional and personal life. We're here to support you in reducing stress, improving focus, and ensuring your overall well-being.
Visit ColoradoEducatorSupport.com to access the resources 
The Hensel Phelps Great Hall Workforce Team would like to invite you to a Women In Construction Networking and Mentoring Mixer on Thursday, March 21 from 4:30 - 6:30pm. This is an opportunity to celebrate the women who are blazing the trail for others in Construction, Engineering, Architecture, and Design as well as explore careers and hear from the inspiring women that are breaking barriers in construction. This event is for women new to the construction industry, experienced professionals, job seekers, students, and parents of students who are getting ready to enter the workforce.

Sign up to attend this FREE Event, HERE.

The Collaborative Youth Summit will bring together young people from across Colorado to gather for a one-day virtual conference. The goal is to connect and inspire ALL youth to embrace their unique leadership by providing an open and inclusive space to further expand their knowledge and skills, and to create and lead the changes they want to see in their community.
The Collaborative Youth Summit will be held virtually on Saturday, April 6th, 2024. Registration for young people (ages 13- 24) is free! Register here by March 22nd and receive a free water bottle mailed to you!

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities
Check out the full DAA Collective Spring Slate HERE!
Some details are still being finalized on the Spring Slate, so make sure you refer to the DAA Collective newsletter and/or daalearn.org for up-to-date information regarding the Professional Learning opportunities.
SEL Methods Workshop: Cultivating Empathy
Monday, March 18, 2024
9:30am - 12:30pm

Tuesday, March 19, 2024
10am - 12:30pm

SEL Methods Workshop: Emotion Coaching
Monday, April 8, 2024
9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Tuesday, April 9, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Emotional Intelligence Corner: 
Optimism Is Learned
Below is an excerpt  and practice idea from the 6 Seconds free, downloadable, handbook Practicing Emotional Intelligence:
Practice: Realistic Optimism
When you’re feeling stuck, add the word, yet, as in: “I can’t do this, yet.”
Sometimes people avoid considering an optimistic perspective because it seems un­realistic. One solution is to fully acknowledge the seriousness of a problem, and then to consider alternatives.
Try making a Problem-Solution chart. List all the problems and make notes about how bad and horrible they are. In the next column, write a solution that would be possible for someone with a lot of skills and experience. A solution that could potentially work, even if you can’t implement it yet. Next, edit: Are both sides realistic? Then, choose one of the solutions and ask: What do I need to learn or strengthen so I can implement this? Are there people, books or websites that could help you build those strengths?
Practicing this process will help you exercise optimism and strengthen your growth mindset. In time, you’ll find it easier to simultaneously acknowledge the seriousness of problems and create solutions.
The DAA Collective:

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3/28/24 Newsletter


2/29/24 Newsletter