Kindness Matters

“Do things for people not because of who they are or what they do in return, but because of who you are.”
–Harold Kushner

Why Does Kindness Matter?

Acceptance and a sense of belonging help to create a climate that is warm and welcoming. Creating an environment of belonging for students and ensuring them that they matter to their teachers, adults and peers has proven positive effects on youth. Students that are being taught in kinder, warmer classrooms achieve at a greater academic level, are more engaged and motivated in school, and suffer from fewer psychological and social problems such as depression, peer rejection, and bullying. Hence, giving students the opportunity to intentionally practice kindness and reflect on what it feels like to both give and receive kindness can help build learning environments and climates where kindness is a social norm.

Try the Greater Good in Education activity
The Kindness Buddy in your program to support fostering a culture of kindness and belonging. Think about how you can adapt this with the adults you work with in your organizations…we ALL benefit from giving and receiving kindness.


Practicing Self-Compassion: An Activity for Adults and Youth


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