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Diversity, Equity and Emotional Intelligence

Date: Thursday, October 29, 2020

Time: 9am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Amy Brady and Lana Hailemariam, Coaches & Facilitators, StandUP

Description: Using the EQI 2.0 model for emotional intelligence, we will explore how EI plays a significant role both as individuals and in our organizations as we navigate the current racial climate, working to build our self-awareness and move forward toward more equitable workplaces and communities. Participants will participate in a simple self-assessment of how EI is showing up for them and within their teams amidst conversations about race. We will discover how increasing our emotional intelligence will support us in moving conversations and action forward.


  • Connect emotional intelligence to conversations about diversity and equity

  • Build self-awareness of your own EI as it relates to conversations about race

  • Walk away with at least one action strategy for increasing your EI


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