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Disability Etiquette

Date: Thursday, March 18, 2021

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Paige Gallaher, Curtis Garrett


Join Atlantis Community as we explore the various ways disability is viewed by society and within our community. This framework will lead into a discussion on person first vs identity first language and mannerisms. We hope you leave feel more confident and knowledgeable on how to have respectful interactions with people with disabilities.


  • Attendees will walk away with resources for their youth

  • Attendees will leave a better foundation and understanding of disability to hopefully propel their work forward and assist them in being active, included member of their community


March 16

SEAL Expand: Presence

March 23

Mindfulness in the Virtual Space