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The Connection Between Emotional Literacy and Relational Development

Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021

Time: 10am-12pm

Location: Via Zoom

Facilitator: Derek McCoy, Prevention Director Project PAVE


Utilizing Positive Youth Development (PYD) and Trauma Informed Practices, PAVE will demonstrate it's approach to engaging youth participants in emotional literacy and healthy relationship building. How youth show up to the table has everything to do with all of the previous experiences they've had in relation to others. Understanding how relationship styles develop can help us (teachers, advocates and other youth serving adults) to support youth with compassion and empathy rather than frustration and judgment, so that they can recognize their strengths and pursue their potentials.


  • Engage in a relationship building and emotional literacy activity.

  • Understanding relationship styles in connection with adverse childhood experiences (ACE) - leading with compassion and curiosity.


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