9/27/23 Newsletter


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The DAA Collective newsletter keeps Denver's afterschool community connected to resources, professional learning and networking opportunities. Learn more about us.
Fall Kick-Off Repurposed
In recognition of the capacity challenges facing many people and organizations, we have made the decision to cancel and repurpose the Fall Kick Off Event.
We are committed to encouraging the necessity to prioritize self-care in the Out-of-School Time community, so we will be sending out a “special edition” DAA Collective newsletter next week with self-care tips and resources! The Fall Professional Learning slate will also be announced in the “special edition” newsletter, and will feature workshops that were going to be presented at the event!
What Education Stories Need To Be Told This School Year?
Chalkbeat Colorado is asking for reader input into what education stories they should report on during the 2023-24 school year. Please take a moment to complete this form- your insights will help shape and inform their reporting!
Free After-School Meals Available for Denver's Youth
Out-of-School Time Community, please let youth in your programs know about the FREE after-school meal program!
The Office of Children’s Affairs warmly welcomes all youth aged 5 to 18 to receive a nutritious after-school supper and/or snack at various Tasty Food sites across the city. No ID or registration required – just come on over and enjoy!
To find a Tasty Food site near you, please visit:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Comunidad de tiempo fuera de la escuela, ¡infórmeles a los jóvenes en sus programas sobre el programa de comidas GRATUITAS después de la escuela!
La Oficina de Asuntos Infantiles da la bienvenida a todos los jóvenes de 5 a 18 años para que reciban una cena y/o un refrigerio nutritivo después de la escuela en varios sitios de Tasty Food en toda la ciudad. No se requiere identificación ni registro, ¡solo ven y disfruta!
Para encontrar un sitio de Tasty Food cerca de usted, visite:
Esta institución es un proveedor de igualdad de oportunidades.
DAAconnect Updates

We encourage you to share the Youth Program Locator tool with families and other youth serving professionals, so Denver families can find quality programs and services. The DAA can even provide bookmarks and other give away items for community events or swag bags that promote the Youth Program Locator. Please contact us for details.

Don't fall off of the Locator! Take a moment to visit our Youth Program Locator and make sure your program schedules are up to date, so that families can easily find you! If you need to update your information, please login to DAAconnect today!
As always, please don't hesitate to contact DAAconnect@denvergov.org for support at any time!

Funding Opportunities

Join The Colorado Health Foundation for an Informational Webinar on the 2024 Nonprofit Sabbatical Program, which aims to recognize and reward long-term and respected nonprofit leaders in Colorado and strengthen the organizations they lead. This webinar will be your opportunity to learn more about the Nonprofit Sabbatical Program and ask the Sabbatical program staff questions that you might have about applying.

The virtual webinar will take place on October 4, 2023 from 3:30pm - 4:30pm via Zoom (a link will be provided upon registration).
Register to attend HERE.
For more information about the Nonprofit Sabbatical program, click HERE.

Community Opportunities
The Denver Department of Public Health & Environment’s (DDPHE) Community & Behavioral Health team, in partnership with Denver Public Schools and community partners, is hosting the second annual: We Got This! Youth Mental Health Summit on October 6, 2023, on the Auraria Campus, at the Tivoli Student Union from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. 
This FREE event will include engaging and interactive sessions on topics to support youth mental health and wellness, and is aimed towards high school youth, grades 9-12. *Breakfast and lunch will be provided.

To register to attend, please use this link HERE
Call for Proposals: Access Opportunity invites you to be part of their Winter Workshop!

Do you have knowledge or expertise that you would be willing to share with local first-generation, low-income students? If so, please consider submitting a proposal to facilitate a session at Access Opportunity's Winter Workshop on January 6th in Westminster, CO. This is one of two times each year that Access Opportunity brings all six cohorts together – from juniors in high school to seniors in college! Students are particularly interested in learning about mental health, financial health, college/career success, community, and leadership.
To learn more, please
click here. You must complete the form by November 7 in order to be considered.

Cherokee Federal is coordinating with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service, the Office of Refugee Resettlement, and local Service Providers to set up an Afghan Support Center event in Denver. The Afghan Support Center will be held from October 18 - October 21.  

Afghan Support Centers act as a “one-stop-shop” with a wide variety of information, service connection, and direct services with the goal of supporting Afghans in your community who are in the second stage of their resettlement and integration experience. Services available at the events may include public health, education, legal assistance, employment, social services, and housing. These Support Centers are a follow-up to the Welcome Centers created during the initial phase of Operations Allies Welcome (OAW).   

Check out the event flyers: 

If your organization would like to participate in the Afghan Support Center event, please contact Sheyla Ramirez for more information.

Emotional Intelligence Corner:
Proactive Self-Care Series
Recently, someone shared their belief that self-care is not afforded to everyone, but is a privilege and a luxury. I see this perspective and agree this is true for many, particularly for essential workers, which includes OST youth-serving professionals. This series is intended to provide small, intentional strategies that can be implemented daily as a start to prioritizing yourself in small doses that will add up over time and become part of a routine. We invite you to take on the “self-care challenge” of practicing one or more of the ideas below (or create your own) each day for the next 30 days. Then check in and assess how you are feeling and showing up for yourself and others. As the quote above states…”taking care of yourself doesn’t mean me first; it means me too.”
Self-Care Ideas: Use these to spark your creativity!
  • Take a brief walk
  • Schedule time to do nothing
  • Read or listen to a book for fun
  • Listen to music that makes you happy
  • Notice something in nature that brings you joy
  • Spend time with a pet
  • Spend time with a friend
  • Color a picture
  • Set a timer throughout the day to pause and breathe (4 counts in, hold for 4, exhale for 8)
  • Share a meal with a loved one
  • Light your favorite candle
  • Smile and laugh
  • Take a short nap
  • Get up and stretch regularly throughout the day
  • Start an affirmation jar for yourself and add to each day at the same time
  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Call (not text!) a friend or family member
The DAA Collective:

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10/12/23 Newsletter


9/14/23 Newsletter